Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFA)
is a submarine detection system that many believe interferes
with the ability of marine mammals to communicate with each
other. It may also cause deafness among cetaceans. |
A few nights ago, I channeled a bit
on whales. Gail Barber was on the phone and it was suggested to
her that she compose a requiem for the whales. This is such a convoluted
story that I don't know how to begin or even if I should. Alan
Hovhannes was a great admirer of Gail's
musicality, but Pluto played a demonic role that reduced their
contact. Hovhannes, a Washington State resident, composed a piece
called "God
Created Whales."
Of course, God created everything, but sometimes we need to be
reminded of this. It is my belief that inspiration comes from the
Divine so when a composer feels to write a piece of music for or
about whales (or anything else), there is a more genuine connection
to the subject than is the case for the average person. Of course,
anytime we care deeply enough, we will strengthen our own connection
and this is the beauty of passion and compassion.
When I first met Gail, we connected via our Pisces and we did a
lot of music therapy, for each
other and others. At that time, I explored Cosmic Whales and will
never forget how awesome the sound was. The sound produced by this
archetypal whale contained in it what was needed to heal those
with severe chronic diseases and injuries. The sound was organized.
For lack of a better word, the organization of the sounds was similar
to hospital wards and the archetypal hospitals were actually inside
the archetypal whale.

Now, I know this must seem crazy to
some people. Because it is given to Pisces to be shown what is
not easily seen by people at large, it is always a challenge to
me to know what to publicize and what to keep private. I kept this
private, as the explanation of sound shared only by Gail and myself,
for many years, seven now. Seven is also an amazing cycle for me.
Usually, there are seven year cycles of introspection and then
seven years of expression in the world.
To put this into some kind of context that is more accessible to
those who are not tuned in on this channel, let me simply say that
the great religions of the world all place extraordinary emphasis
on sound or the word. Sound is the matrix that is Creation. "In
the beginning was the Word!" In Hinduism, Creation emerges
from the mind of Brahma, after deep meditation, and then it becomes
more and more visible. The etheric matrix which is held together
by sound is the scaffolding for the rest of Creation.
Great philosophers, such as Aristotle, knew that you could make
or break civilization through the type of music listened to by
the people. Years ago, I wrote something about Hildegard of Bingen's
understanding of sound in an article (that can be found on my kitchendoctor website):
In Hildegards medicine, the powerful adjudicators
of fate, the determinants of happiness or misfortune as well
as health or sickness, depend on hearing. She felt that metabolism
is affected by the liver which, in turn, has a direct relationship
to the ears and hearing. Harsh sounds can disturb bodily fluids,
and fluids that contact blood vessels impact hearing when they
reach the ears. Hildegard believed that health is earned or forfeited
partly as a consequence of what we hear. To offset the shock
to the liver of sounds that undermine health, Hildegard composed
scores of chants and a musical drama called Ordo Virtutem,
and, as we see, she also prescribed an interesting galangal formula
as a digestive aid.
Modern scientific researchers have substantiated
many of these theories by studies showing how syncopation or rhythm
affect physiological functioning, including synaptic responses,
which is the first measurable place one experiences deep change
due to sound. Sound is, however, first felt in the aura. Because
this is also the main place where the impact is felt, it is harder
for scientists to study the impact of sound. They draw conclusions
from secondary and tertiary responses rather than primary.
Sound, as I saw when invited to visit
the Cosmic Whale, is the primary healing (or harming) agent in
the medicine chest. People need to understand this. Some people
realize that a high pitched voice can shatter crystal, but few
really understand the function or power of sound.
I told some people that when the whales were distressed, I asked
to be permitted to speak with them. What I was shown is that on
a deep unconscious level, there is a war going on between what
they called
"the elite" and "maintainers of Cosmic frequency."
They explained their role in stabilizing the etheric webbing of
Planet Earth and even in absorbing certain amounts of noise pollution.
Their demise in such vast numbers is a catastrophe, not for a few
tons of blubber or a few incarnate cetaceans, but for Gaia Herself.
They also showed me that for a while, the survivors would be in
Many have chosen the date of August 14th as a kind of turning point
in this administration. The whales did not comment on the date.
Instead, they showed me a host of patterns of behavior and the
choices that stem from each. They showed that the elite belong
to a sort of primitive school of belief in which the winner takes
all. They enjoy the thrill of competition and risk, but nowhere
in their thinking is there room for cooperation. On the other hand,
the feminine energy of Earth itself as well as its expression through
that which is feminine in all forms of life seeks harmony. It has
to increase its activity to the level where the elite realize that
they can no longer control through might. Public opinion is one
mechanism for stating one's desire for harmony.
What is different today than in times past is that most forms of
warfare in the past involved male casualties. Modern warfare is
indiscriminate so that the outcome of confrontation is not that
the feminine remains after the men are buried. The elite believe
they can control the outcome in a test tube and they truly are
at war against feminine detractors. The whales said this has been
going on for a long time, but conscience has been maintained somewhat
through the Cosmic Memory sustained by whales (and others but mainly
whales). Once the memory is dislocated, disaster is next.
I realize that sharing this as I have is bound to create a lot
of backlash and allegations of craziness. I simply urge those who
cannot accept the intelligence or sentient consciousness of whales
to look at what they can understand: the impact of sound. It is
time to stop militarized use of sound!
Ingrid Naiman

Petitions to stop sonar testing:
About sonar testing:
Conference on Whales:
American Cetacean Society
October 4-6, 2002 - Seattle Washington
The three day event includes a diverse program
of activities including field trips, presentations and panel
discussions, a public art show and silent auction, native dance
performances, and a gala party to celebrate the 35th anniversary
of the American Cetacean Society, the oldest whale conservation
group in the world.
The conference kicks off with special field
trips on Friday afternoon, October 4th. On that evening, we celebrate
the official opening of the event with a reception at Bay Pavilion
on the Seattle Waterfront. On Saturday and Sunday, October 5th
and 6th, the conference moves up the hill slightly to Town Hall
Seattle, where we have planned a full agenda of plenary sessions,
exhibits, panel discussions, and much more. Sunday evening the
conference concludes with a gala celebration of ACS's 35th Birthday.
Gorgeous photos: