The navigation above describes the
main directories of site. Each directory has an index. In some
cases, there might be overlap. For instance, should hybrid
cars be positioned under social activism, the
environment, or politics? It
is under activism because it is my belief that we need to make noise
so as to increase the supply and fuel
efficiency of vehicles. We also need to be sure that cars
utilizing alternative energy do not end up the way electric cars
Ingrid Naiman
Karuizawa, pivotal experience
from Afghanistan
Social Activism
Low Frequency Active Sonar may interfere with the ability of cetaceans
to communicate with each other.
The Insurance Industry
Insurance Boycott
Farm Insurance
Expert Witnesses
Alternative Cars
Hybrid Cars
Fuel Economy
a dangerous excitotoxin with serious health risks
Oil, war and the obstruction of alternative fuels
Up, descendent of Agent Orange marketed under 90 names
Farm Insurance, denier of claims for victims of Katrina
Caution, beware of junk science and planted stories
Economic Essays
Bank Karma
Brief History of Soap and its Impact on the Environment
Cooperation vs Competition
The Sacredness of All Life
The essays in
this section are completely different from the material found on
my many health-related web sites. These are more political
and ethical. I am concerned with moral decisions affecting
life: euthanasia and removal of
life support. I am concerned about the sterility of our
blood supply, about cloning and
stem cell research, about intellectual property rights for indigenous
peoples and their medical traditions. I am worried about the
excessive use of arm twisting by corporations and their lobbyists
and the erosion of freedom of choice instigated by pharmaceutical
companies and insurance
providers. I take a position that one's body is one's own
and we therefore have the right to manage it as we see fit.
There are reprints of essays by
others on possible reforms
of government and sleazy
marketing and health care
I believe that each person can make
a difference and that this can start with consumer consciousness
and much more effort to direct our spending to those companies and
individuals who deserve our support.
I worked for the government for roughly
four years, first in Vietnam and later in India. I feel I have
earned to right to comment on deathless issues that have not changed
despite all the activism of the 60s and 70s. Most of these essays are written as reminiscences. There
is always a salient point that is as relevant today as years ago. These
might pertain to the difference between a fact finding
mission and photo op,
or how credit is seized by
the ambitious, or how tax
reform is not a pipe dream.
Always, always, always, I seek to achieve
whatever is possible in peaceful ways. I do not believe in
armed revolutions or wars. I believe in the innate goodness
of people and their common desire to innovate and progress in ways
that are sane and safe. This said, I am not naive enough to
believe that those who profit by the status quo, not to mention arms
sales, are likely to be enthusiastic about my social visions.
There is a page with prayers
for peace from all faiths and a lot of material on the bulletin board about
Life on Other Planets
Most people probably believe that there
is life in other parts of the Universe. Very few have any direct
knowledge of what visitors from outer space may be doing here. Some
are afraid; some are expectant; and I am excited. I take a
very open position on this subject, believing that we are heading
for the next turn of the spiral, the biggest one since the Copernican
Esoteric Essays
There are some very personal
essays about
my own evolutionary history and the history of the Earth as I have understand
it. These are not complete. I have hundreds of hours
of taped channeling that I have not transcribed or published, but
I have put a few essays on the web because I feel that receptivity
to expansive concepts comes through constant exercise of the windows
of the mind and soul to new vistas.
Ingrid's Favorite
Web Sites and Other
Sites Hosted by Her
Organizations Involved with
Health, Food, and the Environment
Ingrid Naiman
27 August 2006